Friday, October 23, 2015

October 26 - October 30

M - P.E.  *Bring helmets
T - Music
W - Art *Return library books
Th - Media/P.E
F - Music/Art

Math - In math we will be working on solving a variety of multi-digit word problems.  The students will practice interpreting comparison language (more, fewer) and solving comparison word problems.

Reading - We will be starting Unit 2 in our Benchmark Literacy curriculum.  For the next 3 weeks we will be focusing on Character Traits and the metacognitive strategy of Visualizing.  Students will analyze characters' traits, feelings and relationships.

Word Study - We will be working on Unusual Past Tense Words.  The students will learn that not all past tense words have an -ed ending.   They will recognize that sometimes vowels change from present tense to past tense.  Examples:  keep, kept, say, said, blow, blew.

Social Studies - The class will be working with their partners to create a travel brochure about a community that we have researched.  They will describe the natural resources, climate, and physical features.


Halloween - We will be having a small Halloween party on Friday afternoon.  The parade starts at 2:15 and you are welcome to join us in the classroom when the parade is over.  If your child's costume doesn't fit in their backpack, please send it in a separate bag.

Dreambox - This is a great resource that Shirley Hills students have access to!  If you are able to, please have your child spend some time working through the program at home.
Here is a link to the FREE app:
Our school code is:  vvkd/exzx  
Students know their usernames and passwords.

Have a great weekend!

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