Friday, September 25, 2015

Sept. 28 - Oct. 2

M - Music
T - Art
W - Media/P.E.
Th - Music/Art
F - Media

* Mr. Lhotka would like library books returned the day before our checkout day.  Please have them back on Wednesday this week.  Thank you!

Here is what we will be working on this week:

Math - We will practice subtracting across zeros and discuss how addition and subtraction are related.

Reading - The class will practice identifying main idea and supporting details in text.  They will practice asking questions about a picture and text.  Students will also practice finding evidence and clues throughout a story.

Word Study - Students will add -ing to words with VCe and VVC patterns.  We will also practice recognizing base words in -ing words.

Social Studies - We will learn the cardinal directions (north, east, south, west) and intermediate directions (NW, SE, etc...).

Look for an AR report in their Friday folders next week :)

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