Friday, January 29, 2016

February 1 - 5

M - Art/Music
T - Media
W - P.E.  *Remember skates and helmets
Th - Music
F - Art  *Return library books

Math - Students will:
9.1 - Explore patterns in 6's count-bys.
9.2 - Develop strategies for solving real-world area problems.
9.3 - Explore patterns in 8's count-bys.
9.4 - Write multiplication and division word problems of various types.

Reading - Unit 5, Week 3.  Our Reader's Theater this week is called Kanchil Outsmarts the Crocodile.  Students will practice using a higher or lower volume to reflect what the author or the characters are saying.

Word Study - Students will:
* Identify long o patterns ow, oCe, and open o- in words with more than one syllable
* Understand that accented syllables usually have the long vowel sound
* Hear the long vowel sound and accented syllables in words
* Read and write words with long o patterns

Social Studies - Unit 7 - How are People Around the World Alike and Different?  The students will compare and contrast their lives with the lives of children in other countries.

Friday, January 22, 2016

January 25 - 29

M - Media
T - P.E. (Remember to bring skates and a helmet.  Mr. Halvarson does have some extra skates if students do not have them)
W - Music
Th - Art,
F - P.E./Media, PACER Puppet program

Math -
Students will:
8.1 - Recognize the difference between a centimeter and a square centimeter.  Determine whether a situation involves finding area or perimeter.
8.2 - Recognize that rectangles with the same perimeter can have different areas.
8.3 - Use formulas for finding the area and perimeter of rectangles.

Reading - Unit 5, week 2 has our students doing a genre study on Trickster Tales.  Trickster tales tell a make-believe fictional story about a character and the tricks that character plays on others.

Word Study -
Students will:
* Identify long i patterns in words with more than one syllable: y as long i, iCe, and open i-
*Hear accented syllables and understand that the long vowel patterns are often in accented syllables
* Read and write words with long i patterns and indicate the accented syllable

Social Studies - We have finished up our unit on community leaders and students have now chosen someone to write a biography on.  Over the next few days, the students will be gathering facts about their person and will create something to share their findings with the class.

Friday, January 15, 2016

January 18 - 22

M - Music
T - Art  *Return library books
W - P.E./Media
Th - Art/Music
F - No School

Math -
Students will -
7.11 (repeat from last week, we didn't get as far as I planned!)
7.12 - Explore patterns in 4 multiplications and count-bys.
7.13 - Math fact fluency, We will review the count-bys that we've done and practice fast arrays.
7.14 - Look for patterns in 1's and 0's when multiplying.  We will investigate the properties of addition and multiplication.

Reading - Unit 5, Week 1
Students will:
* Make an inference about a picture.
* Identify clues that support the inference.
* Identify clues that help readers make inferences about a text.

Word Study 15 -
Students will:
• Identify long a patterns ai, aCe, ay, and open a- in multisyllable words
• Hear accented syllables in words and understand that syllables with long a are often accented
• Read and write words with long a patterns and indicate the accented syllables

Writing - We will continue our work on our informational reports.

Social Studies - We will continue learning about people that improved their communities and listen to part of Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have A Dream speech.

Friday, January 8, 2016

January 11 - 15

M - Art  *Library books due
T - P.E./Media
W - Art/Music
Th - Media
F - P.E.

Reading - Unit 4, Week 3.  We will be wrapping up our study of summarizing and story elements.  We will be practicing reading fluency this week with The Great Lemonade Standoff.

Word Study - Open and Closed Syllables and Inflectional Endings
Students will:
* Understand that inflected endings are added depends on the vowel pattern in the final syllable
* Recognize base words in multi - syllable words.
* Recognize vowel patterns and understand how to add inflected endings

Writing - This week we will begin talking about Informational Reports.  The students have started researching a mammal with Mr. Lhotka in Media and will eventually create a report based on their research.

Math - Students will:
7.6 - Explore patterns in 10's count -bys
7.7 - Multiply and divide with 9
7.9 - Multiply and divide with 3
7.10 - Understand the area model for multiplication
7.11 - Recognize and identify multiplication and division word problems

Social Studies - We will begin Chapter 6 in social studies - How Do People Improve Their Communities.  Students will identify how four individuals solved problems to improve the lives of people in their own communities and in communities around the country.

Monday, January 4, 2016

January 4 - 8

M - P.E/Media
T - Art/Music
W - Media
Th - P.E
F - Music

Reading - This week our genre study is on Realistic Fiction.  Students will review the features of realistic fiction and analyze a realistic fiction story.

Word Study - Students will understand that VCCCV pattern words can be VC/CCV or VCC/CV syllable patterns.  They will understand that VC/CCV words divide before the consonant blend.  They will understand that VCC/CV words divide after the consonant blend.

Math - Multiplication!
7.1 - Explore patterns in 5's count-bys.  Learn important multiplication vocabulary.
7.2 - Use multiplication to represent repeated groups situations.
7.3 - Use multiplication to represent array situations.
7.4 - Relate division to multiplication.
7.5 - Explore patterns in 2's count-bys.

Social Studies - Students will put any finishing touches on their Ellis Island projects and get them printed out.