Friday, February 26, 2016

February 29 - March 4

M - Art/Music
T - Media
W - P.E
Th - Music & Read-A-Thon (dress like a book character)
F - Art

Math - Students will:
10.1 - Tell time to the hour, half-hour, and quarter hour.  Tell time to 5 minutes and to 1 minute.  State times using the words before and after with the appropriate hour.
10.2 - Use ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.).  Determine elapsed time in days, weeks, months, hours and minutes.  Use elapsed time to find start and end dates and times.

Word Study - Students will:
• Recognize and identify -le, -el, -il, and -al patterns in unaccented final syllables
• Understand that -le, -el, -il, and -al have an / l/ sound
• Recognize where syllables divide based on vowel patterns
• Write words with -le, -el, -il, and -al patterns

Reading  - Unit 7, Week 1 - Make Inferences/Make Predictions
Students will:
* Make predictions based on a photograph.
* Identify visual clues that suggest what will happen.
* Make inferences about a photograph.
* Make predictions about what will happen next based on clues and prior knowledge.
* Maker inferences based on evidence in a text.

Writing - The class will be going through the process of choosing topics for writing a persuasive letter this week.

Science - The class will continue to record their daily observations of their seeds.  They are also doing research and finding information about seeds, parts of a seed and how seeds travel.

Friday, February 19, 2016

February 22 - 26

M - P.E.
T - Music
W - Music  *Return library books
Th - P.E/Media
F - No School/Conferences

Reading - Unit 6, Week 3 - Fluency
Students will:
* Stress particular words to emphasize meaning and reflect the language patterns of the text.
* Demonstrate understanding of the text through purposeful inflection and intonation.
* Use effective inflection and intonation to make their reading sound like talking.

Word Study -
Students will:
* Understand that most words with consonant + -le divide before the consonant
• Understand that consonant + -le syllables are always unaccented
• Understand VCle words divide between open syllable and consonant + -le
• Understand VCCle–Double and VCCle words divide between the two consonants

Math -
Students will:
9.13 - Develop strategies for solving multi-step word problems and practice multiplications and divisions.
9.14 - Apply mathematical concepts in meaningful context.s
We'll spend a couple of days reviewing Unit 9 concepts and math facts and will take the unit test on Thursday.

Science - We will begin our Structures of Life unit in science.  The first investigation will have the students observe and compare properties of seeds and fruit.  We will also set up seed sprouters and monitor and record the changes over the next two weeks.

Friday, February 12, 2016

February 15 - 19

M - No School
T - Art   *Return library books
W - P.E./Media
Th - Art/Music
F - Media

Math -
Students will:
9.9 - Practice 6's, 7's, and 8's multiplication and division.
9.10 - Choose the operation to solve a word problem.
9.11 - Develop strategies for solving multi-step word problems.
9.12 - Solve multi-step word problems and practice count-bys.

Reading - Unit 6, Week 2.   Genre Study - Persuasive Letters
Students will:
* Learn the features of persuasive letters.
* Read and analyze persuasive letters.
* Compare and contrast two persuasive letters using a graphic organizer.
* Practice summarizing a longer persuasive letter.

Word Study -
Students will:
• Identify the long e patterns ee, eCe, ea, and open e-
• Understand that the long vowel sounds are usually heard in the accented syllables
• Read and write long e pattern words

Social Studies - We will finish up our unit on learning about the lives of children in different countries.

Friday, February 5, 2016

February 8 - 12

M - P.E./Media
T - Art/Music
W - Media
Th - P.E.  *Remember to bring skates/helmets
F - Music

Reading - Unit 6, Week 1
Students will:
* Identify facts and opinions based on an illustration or text
* Identify and use the signal language for opinions.

Word Study -
Students will:
• Identify the long u patterns uCe and open u- in multi-syllable words
• Understand that accented syllables often have the long vowel sound
• Hear the long u sound in accented syllables in words
• Write and spell the long u pattern words and identify the accented syllables

Math -
9.4 - Write multiplication and division word problems of various types.
9.5 - Explore patterns in 7's count-bys
9.6 - Solve comparison word problems involving multiplication and division
9.7 - Develop strategies for solving comparison word problems.
9.8 - Understand what a square number is.

Social Studies - We will continue our study of children around the world and how their lives are similar and different from our own.