M - Art/Music
T - Media
W - P.E.
Th - Music
F - Art
Math - We will be taking a little break from our unit on fractions and will get back into it once MCA testing is over :) We will also be jumping around in unit 13 (Measurement), I want to make sure I touch on a few skills that will be on the MCA's.
Students will:
13.1 - Measure with non-standard and standard units. Use rulers to draw line segments to a given number of inches.
13.2 - Convert between yards, feet and inches.
13.3 - Discuss metric units of length. Measure to the nearest meter, decimeter, and centimeter.
13.10 - Read temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit on a thermometer, discuss warm and cold benchmarks, and estimate temperatures.
Reading - Unit 8, Week 3. Fluency Week, Readers Theater - How Davy Crockett Moved the Sun
Students will:
* Use the title and other clues to anticipate the mood of text. Match their tone of voice to the intended mood.
* Demonstrate their understanding of the text through purposeful expression.
Word Study -
Students will:
*Understand initial g usually has the hard sound when
followed by a, o, or u
• Understand initial g usually has the soft sound when
followed by e, i, or y
• Write and identify words with hard and soft g
Social Studies - Unit 9 - How Does Global Trade Affect Our Community?
Students will:
* Identify conflicting points of view about global trade.
* Describe a way global trade has changed life in a world community.
* Identify products sold in the local community that are involved in global trade.
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